...that i used to carry on my shoulder and inside.
Wrote this a few months ago, when i didn't have internet. Recent events have drastically changed much of what is said here. Maybe i don't want to say any of this anymore. Maybe new words have erased most of these wishes. Maybe my shadow and i are finally together on our way to the second star to the right. But for the sake of good memories:
(To: Bruce Wayne, obviously)
Tell me, now, if forgiveness is the answer, if forgetting is the key to mend an unscarring wound. Leave me, here, an unopened letter that is all explanation of the things we don't seem to get, and a book to take my mind elsewhere. Lift me up to that cloud or moon where some go think... cuz i don't see those in my skies lately, and i could pretty much use the perspective. Tie me, too, to your hand, or foot, or waist, so i don't start running down every road i walk. So i'm forced to see that i'm not alone when afraid. Join me, come! to my trips to neverland and philosophy clubs, to my labrinth of ideas, to my quest for the humanitarian. Be a part of my dream of a world with principles. And hey, please, do teach me how to be a better person. Sometimes i feel like i'm wasting half my power.
TRate de comentarte antes y ZUAKATA! locuron de blogger y se peto el comentario.
ResponderEliminarEn fin.
Como decia antes! Bruce Wayne muere en la ultima entrega de Final Crisis :(
Y en otro orden de ideas, demasiado bueno el tag "memoris of a maracucha". No puedo con el.
Algo ironico el captcha o palabrita que sale antes de lanzar el comentario (el que se peto) era "hedies" asi, todo pegado.
Y pa cerrar con mi cadena de pensamientos ilogica: "the blue sky reaches so far that none can escape it"
MORI de la risa con el "ZUAKATA!"
ResponderEliminarQué triste saber que Bruce Wayne muere... es el super-heroe de mi vida
That tag just happened...
Tu cadena de pensamiento ya no es una línea, es un haz. Congratulations, u've crossed on to the higher ground of the weird (i'm on my way there)
Es bastante deprimente pensar que alguien quiera escaparse de un cielo azul :s ¿no?
Si, Bruce Wayne / Batman, son lo maximo. Es asi, como el Zorro gringo. Son mis dos super heroes de siempre.
ResponderEliminarRealmente traduci mal la linea, viene de un anime. Creo que siempre la he traducido mal, ya me baje los subs en ingles y no es nada como la recuerdo, cuando la vea bien en japones comparo y veo que tan equivocado estaba. Pero si hablaba de un cielo azul y de la igualdad que eso trae, nadie se puede escapar del inmenso cielo azul realmente.