5 de enero de 2009

The Book Thief

¿No es precioso cuando las cosas son más, mucho más de lo que uno se espera?
¿Cuando no puedes adivinar un final, cuando no quieres VER un final, cuando cierras el libro y piensas "wow"?

It's beautiful, the book thief, i don't think i could express it in some other way at this moment, i just finished it. It's probably the prettiest thing i've ever read. I loved Max, i loved Hans, i would have definitely kissed Rudy and i would've told mama she was beautiful. It moved me, it sure did. That's an achievement.
Aquí tienen algo sobre el libro: about writing The book thief, quizá se hagan una idea de por qué dije "prettiest".
No busquen reseñas, just...go read it.

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